Our Brazen Wedding Coordinator will work closely with you from the time of booking to ensure your day moves flawlessly. We provide a customized beauty experience suited only for you & your party. These are your memories & we want to add to them. We are so excited to be apart of your special day, here’s to you!
We recommend saving your date 6-8 months in advance. This ensures we have the right number of artists for your day.
BridE $475
Bridal Hair & Makeup Day of + Trial
We will work together closely to make sure your day moves flawlessly & you feel absolutely fabulous! Please send us a Pinterest board or 5-6 photos of your desired look for makeup & hair. Now… let’s do it!
Grooming $100
We offer specialized grooming for your guy & his groomsman. We clean up around the hairline, neckline & beard to get them looking spiffy!